Folio 24r

Plimpton MS 034, f.24r

Deus qui fundasti terram et formasti celos, qui loca syderibus stabilita fixisti, qui captivum laqueo mortis hominem lavachri ablutione reparasti; qui sepultos Abraham, Ysaac et Iacob in spelunca duplici in libro vite atque in totius glorie principes annotasti benedicendos: ita bene+dice digneris hunc tumulum famule tue, ut hic eam quiescere facias, et in sinu Abrahe, Ysaac et Iacob collocare digneris, qui Dominum nostrum Ihesum Christum contritis laqueis inferorum credencium resurgere se suorumque membra resuscitare iussisti. Respice quesimus domine super hanc fabricam sepulturae: Descendat ad eam spiritus tuus sanctus, ut te iubente, sit in loco hoc famule tue quieta dormitio, et tempore iudicii cum sanctis omnibus vera resuscitatio. Prestante domino nostro Ihesu Christo, qui tecum et cum spiritu sancto vivit et regnat deus. Per omnia secula seculorum. Amen.

Tunc sacerdos accipiat aqua benedictam et aspergat corpus defuncte et tumulum et incensat. Quibus...

O God who laid the foundation of the earth, who formed the stars, who established the laws of all the heavenly bodies, who first of all retrieves the captive man from the snare of death through baptism, who has noted down in the book of life the burials in the double cave of the leaders in dignity Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, see fit to bless this grave of your servant so that you might grant her rest here, and deem her worthy of being gathered up in the bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You who wanted salvation for those believing in your son, our Lord Jesus Christ [whom you deemed worthy] to resurrect, having conquered the snares of hell, look down upon this grave we beseech you. May the Holy Spirit descend here, O Lord, so that by your command, this might be for him a place of peaceful sleep and resurrection with all the saints on Judgment Day, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Then the priest receives holy water and sprinkles the body of the deceased and the tomb and incenses them. Once...